Thanks to Our Crossing Guards!

As this school year comes to a close, we want to celebrate our crossing guards, Debbie Breaux and Gary Kressbach!

When this school year began, we all knew several things needed to happen to make the roads around the school safe for our students. Northside ISD took steps to bring in crossing guards at the Band/ROTC Entrance (North). They began their work in November.

I recently stopped by to chat with them. The first thing Gary said was, “Nobody’s been hurt on our watch!” Gary has morning duty, and Debbie the afternoon. Debbie crosses about 10 times the number of students Gary does.

While observers might think being a crossing guard is a boring job, both Debbie and Gary were eager to share how much fun they’ve had. “I just love these kids!” Debbie said. “They’re such nice kids. I’m just having the best time!”

And they both – independently – wanted me to say to readers, “Slow down!” 

They’ve see countless drivers exceeding the 20 mph school zone speed limit, drivers talking with their phones up to their ears, and even a few drivers zipping past them when they are in the street holding up their stop sign.

And, with a little glee, they’ve seen a few of these drivers getting stopped by the police.

Their jobs are to protect students crossing the street, but the added bonus is the connection they make with the students themselves. Debbie reminds them to wear a jacket the next day when a cold front is coming, or she’ll give them a countdown, “Only 15 days left for school!”

Gary told me, “The kids seem to appreciate it.” While I was there, I heard students saying thank you as Gary sent them toward school with a cheerful “Have an awesome day!”

2 thoughts on “Thanks to Our Crossing Guards!

  1. Lori

    I just love these two people! I enjoy saying hello every morning and also noticed the cars speeding past them. I however noticed a bike rider almost getting hit as the car drove into the school, no fault of Debbie’s though. These cars do NEED to slow down! I saw a kid walking in the rain one day and came back later that day with an umbrella and handed it to that exact same kid. I’m still hoping for a stop sign though to alleviate the traffic and help that exit at the ROTC north end speed up in the afternoons!


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